Blogging About Social Media

So I’m going to start blogging and vlogging about social media. I really am!

Yes, I’ve said those words many many times, and excuses always keep me from doing it. Listed not in any particular order:

  1. Time
  2. I don’t know enough/what if I say the wrong thing
  3. Time

As the holiday rush has finally settled down, Excuses #1 and #3 are chucked out the window. Now excuse #2… that darn excuse #2.

Here’s what I’ve decided. Blog what I do know. I am working on being an expert in the social media industry as a whole. For now, I am a social media expert to my community. I am getting asked daily questions about Facebook Timeline, and what is Pinterest and how to measure social media’s ROI? Just yesterday my friend Nate bought me lunch so he could listen to me talk about social media marketing. I sent him an email last night with at least 15 links to social media resources. In just a couple months time, I hope to have links to this website to send out!

I am stating my goals for my social media blogging here and now:

  1. Position myself as a Social Media Expert.
  2. Easy share of knowledge, especially for people just starting out, as I am self-taught and have a lot to say about the trials and tribulations.
  3. Create How-Tos and Top Ten lists to make social media easy to understand.
  4. Showcase videos of How-Tos and Whys.

I know stuff.

And I want to tell it.

So consider this my first social media blog post. Well, really third, as I dabbled with two posts last year on my other website. *wink*

SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT: I’m available for one on one social media consulting, as well as ongoing daily social media management. Whether you want someone to get you started in the digital space, or you just need a some help along the way, I’d love to work with you. Please take a look at my Social Media Consulting & Management packages.

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