Twitter Is My Favorite Social Network

Lately, I’ve been getting asked this question a lot: “What’s your favorite social network?”

Now two years ago, I would have easily said Facebook. And Facebook is still tops to me. I’m not one of those Timeline bashers. I totally get Timeline, and respect it. However it’s limiting, especially when it comes to promos and giveaways. Google Plus is still getting going, waiting for the mainstream to pay attention. Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr have their place, but Twitter… ah, Twitter… I can always count on you to be awesome.

Twitter rocks my world. Here’s why:

1. Short brief blurbs of info and conversations – great for my fast paced, low patience life.

2. Real time news – easy peasy grab the news.

3. Hashtags – easy searching to find topics that I want to talk about whenever I want to talk about them!

4. Lists! (Now on almost all the social networks.)

5. No limits on deals, freebies, giveaways, promotions. (Take that Facebook.)

6. Awesome fun background to play with. Perfect for the graphic designer in me!

7. Fast and easy to post from my iPhone – I’m always looking for ways to simplify life.

8. Synced with almost all social networks and websites – “Tweet this.” Heck yes! Thanks for making that so easy!

Follow me on Twitter @SarahBethRosa. I know you want to check out my #twitterbackground! I promise I’ll tweet back!

SOCIAL MEDIA CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT: I’m available for one on one social media consulting, as well as ongoing daily social media management. Whether you want someone to get you started in the digital space, or you just need a some help along the way, I’d love to work with you. Please take a look at my Social Media Consulting & Management packages.

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