Google Plus Profile Design

Besides waiting for Google Plus to blow up big in the eye of the mainstream, I have one major gripe: when people don’t upload a “cover” image. Maybe it’s because I have a graphic design background, or maybe it’s because I have a social media background… Nonetheless, Google Plus offers two awesome ways to display cover photo(s). There are also resources for pre-made covers! Find some here.

I don’t know John Biggs, but I see that he works at TechCrunch. I’ve seen Mashable people without G+ covers as well. I ask myself, “Is there something I’m missing?”

Maybe this John Biggs has answered my question. His latest G+ post reads: “Oh hey, guys, is this still on?” Have people lost hope in Google Plus? I think there’s an upsurge of people on G+, as Facebook has decided to rapid fire new features that are starting to make people so unsettled that they are deleting their accounts.

So I say to the world, get on G+, throw up some G+ covers and let’s start using G+ for all it’s worth!

Put me, Sarah Beth Rosa, in a circle today!

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